Ambit Config Tool 0 97 3

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Ambit Config Tool 0 97 3

I went to Hideki's blog to seek support for this tool.he obviously forgot i am not a mind reader and dont read EVERY single thread on this forum.i seemed to get bombarded with sarcasm though he did answer my was a some what frosty experience to.its a shame that some people cant just get on with life but instead take things to heart.i never attacked his server.maybe this thread should be delted not as he clearly stated he is no longer supporting the tool and has not returned to DW least delete the link to his blog site. I got kicked form the irc when i asked to see anyones tits.oh well. Hihi In answer to your 'points' I support people who ask intelligent questions just fine, you were not one of those. You were using unsupported modems, you were repeatedly told exactly how to get it to work with a supported modem but wanted to continue waffling from a position of ignorance, listening to nothing.

Using Ambit Config Tool. Via Ethernet and load up Ambit 0.96 and click Read MAC Address I. Santana Spirits Dancing In The Flesh Rarlab. Address can I just use Ambit Config Tool to update the MAC? Repetier-Firmware configuration tool for version 0.90. Repetier-Firmware configuration tool for. M340 P S: servoID = 0.3.

You paid nothing for the software, if you don't like the quality of your support that you're also paying nothing for, tough shit, **** off and write something better. And in answer to your demand that the young female users show you their tits.

Thought you didnt come here anymore Adam?? Certainly flushed you out though, now i can speak with you without all the noise of your fan club in the background. As i said, You obviously could not hear me against the background of your fan club who were more ingrossed with telling you about clothes shopping they had done, fair do, i knew how to to get it going with a supported modem.waffle from a posistion of ignorance? I think not, perhaps you should try listening more carefully rather than looking down your nose at people becasue you can write software? How wise must you be becasue you can code. Still, i dont feel need to swear at you, even if i did not pay anything for your software (i wouldnt anyway as i dont pay my way in life) i didnt come into your channel to ask about the algorithyms of your software if thats is what you mean by intelligent questions, i came to share my findings but you are obviously higher and mightier than that. The link is very funny, yes i do have a good sense of humour, i take it i am the guy on the chair and you are the harold llyod type one with the hat and smile?

Who is the bird behind, is she on the irc?.i have to be honest and also share madmancs attitude, i often ask girls in pubs/clubs if they would like to partake in sureveys, you should try it, you would be quite suprised how many nice pics you can get on your phone on a night out. Anyway.enough from me.sorry i couldnt ask inteligent enough questions.ill join the rest of the noobs here and see if we can come up with something. I visit his IRC channel from time to time and I know that hideki only removes users from his channel for good reason. (Most of the time) However I was not on the channel when this happened but it sounds like hideki may have got the wrong end of the stick and banned you due to him thinking it was you who had been attacking his server? Sounds to me you were not there to cause trouble so I don't understand why you got banned? Doing Second Language Research James Dean Brown Pdf To Jpg more. Could you maybe PM me the details about what actually went on?

I would like to hear hidekis side of the story too. But hes not chatting on IRC atm. Man, its over as far as i am concerned.would still like to investigate my finding though with others that have used the scanner on this software?? If you connect up the tool and purposely choose a firmware that is not on the modem.such as you did with the 5101e.and click to check mac address you will find that it cannot find the correct mac address. Just a random hex it finds at the location specified.