Any Technics Kn6000 Keyboard Style Selections
>>Alec's KN Corner Alec's KN Corner Technics KN Filetypes: Because Gunnar has so many fine styles and conversions available on his site, all non-copyright and perfectly free to Technics enthusiasts all over the world he tells me he often gets asked questions about the Technics files and what they do. He has asked me to provide an explanation of the files to post here, which I am happy to do. We shall deal with the files in historical order, since there are styles for many formats of different machines to be downloaded here. KN800 (1989) cmp - Composer file consisting of 8 patterns only, no intros, fills or endings. Bass, Drum and 3 Accomp tracks of limited polyphony (Accomp 3 would drop out at polyphony limit).
Styles Series Y2. Technics KN6000 Files. FREE Styles for your Technics keyboard. Each Style has four associated Panel Memories with full registrations and. Technics KN6000. July 27, 2014. Technics kn6000 Keyboard: The KN6000 User Manual is available in the Members Area. Technics KN1600 Keyboard: Explore your 'style'. The Ultimate KN7000 webpage for all Technics fans. Download styles, sequences, mp3's, etc. Listen to guestplayers and much more.
Lsw - Panel Memory, only 8. Seq - Sequencer Song file, 1 song. Tm - Sound Memory, 24 edited sounds. This machine had an optional memory card and optional plug-in floppy disk drive. KN1000 (1991) cmp - Composer file consisting of 10 patterns, 1 intro, 1 ending, 2 fills. Bass, Drum, and 3 Accomp tracks where Accomp 2 and 3 now had greater programming polyphony.
Lsw - Panel Memory, still only 8. Seq - Sequencer Song file, 1 song. Sqf - Sequencer set up conditions (sequencer reset). Tm - Sound Memory, now 30 edited sounds.
Floppy disk drive now more commonplace and often sold with the machine. Could load 800 files. KN2000 (1993) cmp - Composer now 2 banks of 6 patterns, 1 intro, 1 ending, 2 fills available for each bank. 5 part accompaniment, Bass, Drum & 3 Accomp parts with no polyphony problems now.
Lsw - Panel Memory, now 24, 3 banks of 8 each. Seq - Sequencer Song file, 1 song. Sqf - Sequencer set up conditions (sequencer reset). Tm - Sound Memory, now 36 edited sounds. Disk drive now built in as standard. Download Power Rangers Wild Force Episode Forever Red Power. Could load 1000 files.
Also KN1200 and module version AC1200 in 1994. Both of these machines had the same files as the 2000, but with different file identifiers in the code. They had a mode to save files as KN2000 files rather than 1200 files, and this enabled 1200 files to be loaded into the KN2000. Up until this time, all the floppy drives had been DD drives using 720K disks.
This led to problems if you used HD disks and formatted them as DD in the machine, and then wanted to load them into later machines like the 3000. Covering the disk type hole (not the write-protection hole) often allowed reading in these circumstances.
KN3000 (1995) cmp - Composer now 3 banks of 4 patterns each, 2 intro, 2 ending, 2 fills for each bank. 5 part accompaniment.
Bass, Drums & 3 Accomp. Also Composer Chord Map allowing different patterns for major, minor, seventh and diminished chords. Electronic Test Instruments Robert Witte Pdf To Word.
Lsw - Panel Memory, 24, 3 banks of 8 each. Msp - Manual Sequence Pads, 9 pads, 3 banks of 3 now with phrase programming. Seq - Sequencer Song file, now 10 songs at once. Sqf - Sequencer set up conditions (sequencer reset) for 10 songs. Tm - Sound Memory, now 40 edited sounds. HD floppy drive, and hard disk option, sold as 3500 in some markets. Could load 2000 files.
KN1500/920 in 1996. These keyboards would load 3000 format files, but the 3000 would not load 1500/920 files without first changing the code identifiers in the hex.
KN5000 (1997) cmp - Composer, same contents as KN3000. Composer Chord Map dropped, also no more Dynamic Accompaniment on presets. Lsw - New Current Panel memory file. Msp - Manual Sequence Pads, 12 pads - 2 banks of 6. Pmt - New Panel Memory file consisting of 10 banks of 8 memories each. Approx 76k if 10 banks saved, 7k8 if only 1 bank saved.
Sqt - New Sequencer file for 10 songs and setups. Tm - Sound Memory, same contents as 3000. Rcm - New Custom Rhythm section of 20 sets of composer patterns in flash memory. Md - New midi user file, 3 setups in flash memory. Hard disk option with pc backup link available.
Could load 2000 and 3000 files, also 1500 and 920. Also Style Conversion now available. KN1600/1400/930 in 1998. 930 basically the same as the 920, but 1600/1400 incorporated features of the 5000 files, although obviously more limited (fewer Panel Memories, no Custom etc). By now the file sizes were getting so large that the number of saves on even a 1.4MB floppy were limited. Therefore it became important to selectively save and leave out files not needed in the save, in order to save space to fit more files on the floppy. A useful trick if saving single songs on the 3000, was to save twice, once as an 'all' file, and once sequencer only.