Bmc Remedy License Usage Report Inventory

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Bmc Remedy License Usage Report Inventory

I Specifies the full or relative path to the input file. By default, the input file is LicenseReport.txt and is in this directory: • ( UNIX) ARSystemServerInstallDir /Db • ( Windows) ARSystemServerInstallDir /ARServer/Db If this parameter is not specified, the current directory and the LicenseReport.txt file name are used. -o Specifies the full or relative path to the output file. By default, the output file name is ReportResult.csv and is in this directory: • ( UNIX) ARSystemServerInstallDir /Db • ( Windows) ARSystemServerInstallDir /ARServer/Db To rename it, specify a different file name. If this parameter is not specified, the current directory and the ReportResult.csv file name are used. -s Specifies the start date of the report in D/M/YYYY format. Drivers Ed Caroline B Cooney Quizstar. The start time is 12:00 A.M.

Bmc Remedy Reporting