Fusion Io Drivers Esxi Shell

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Dell Fusion Io Drivers

I’ve been having lots of fun lately in my new role in Integration Engineering. Super Hero Sakusen Daidaru No Yabou Download Movies. It is also good to have someone local once again to bounce ideas off. Right now, that person is (although sometimes I bet he wishes I was in a different timezone 🙂 ).

One of the things we are currently looking at is a VSAN implementation using Fusion-io ioDrive2 cards (which our friends over at Fusion-io kindly lent us). The purpose of this post is to show the steps involved in configuring these cards on ESXi and adding them as nodes to a VSAN cluster. However, even though I am posting about it, Paudie did most of the work, so please consider following him on twitter as he’s got a lot of good vSphere/Storage knowledge to share. Install the Fusion-io PCI-E devices After installing the cards, make sure that the ESXi host can recognize them. Use the ESXi shell command lspci -v to check (you can click on the images to make them larger). Take note of the DID/SVID/SSID of the controller as this will be needed when sourcing the driver for the card next. In this case, it is 1aed:2001.

Download the appropriate driver Now, the VCG/HCL for VSAN is still a work in progress. Therefore, at the moment, you won’t see the driver for the Fusion-io ioDrive2 listed there. You have to search for the driver via the I/O Devices section of the HCL right now.

The reason you need a driver is because ESXi does not ship with a Fusion-io driver for these cards. By searching the I/O Device section, and selecting Fusion-io and type SCSI, you will find the driver: The VCG/HCL displays enough information to verify the adapter type from the lspci output captured previously. Compare the DID/SVID/SSID listed and ensure that this is the correct driver for your controller. Broadsoft Outlook Toolbar Download.