Install Floppy Drive Xp

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Install Floppy Drive Xp

Installing Windows XP With F6 AHCI/RAID Drivers From DVD Without Floppy Drive Windows XP requires that drivers for AHCI/RAID disk controllers must be supplied on floppy disk (activated by F6 key during installation). However today there are many computers with USB ports and CD/DVD drive, but without floppy drive. This article explains how to use USB thumbdrive instead of F6 floppy disk with AHCI/RAID drivers for Windows XP installation to the AHCI/RAID disk.

Even if I wrote in a precedent article about the utility of the floppy drive. The SATA driver we need does not come embedded in the Windows XP installation. The Maffetone Method Ebook3000.

Contents • • • • 1. Formulation of the problem You need to install Windows XP or Windows 2003 Server onto PC or server without floppy drive. SATA controller is in AHCI/RAID mode, so you need to use F6 floppy disk supplied by hardware vendor. Server has USB ports and DVD drive. For some reason, you don't want to, and you want to install from original, unmodified installation disc. Solution in a nutshell Computer will boot from USB thumbdrive and then switch boot process to CD. Windows Setup in the early Text Mode phase will access drive A: via redirected BIOS Interrupt 13h and read F6 Floppy Driver files from the image file on USB thumbdrive.

There's a freeware utility to transfer boot control from floppy to CD drive, for a long time used with Emergency Boot Kit on old BIOSes which didn't support booting from CD. This time it serves different purpose: after conversion to bootable USB thumbdrive, it transfers boot control from USB thumbdrive to CD drive with original Windows installation disc. The difference between this boot path and normal booting from CD is that, in the former case, drive A: is mapped to the image file on the USB thumbdrive. Initially, we use to prepare image of the floppy disk with custom F6 driver files and floppy-to-CD boot switcher. Free Templates For Sales Agreement on this page. Then we use to format USB thumbdrive in non-bootable mode. Finally, we install bootloader with Memdisk module to USB thumbdrive, and configure Syslinux to make image file on USB thumbdrive appear as floppy disk to Windows XP/2003 setup.