Win Xp Sp3 Sata Drivers 2012 Presidential Election

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Evening Zip Its better to completely remove your NIS 2008. And bug them about how compatible NIS2008 is with Sp3. They may have a work around alread but I doubt it. If anything I have seen a couple of posts wher even leaving a portion of NIS in currupts the registery. Use the Norton tool to clean the remaining traces out of the reigstery or perhaps ccleaner. Available at Sata drivers are not included so having them available on Cd, floppy, usb if your mb can recognize them.

The usual advance about getting the latest bios for you mb. Using latestsigned chipset drivers,.inf; via Intel.

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Win Xp Sp3 Sata Drivers 2012 Presidential Election

If you are using media center editon there is advace for that in the blog listed below abuot how to avoid DRM problems with this version of the OS. Here is one of the best resources for figuring out problems With SP3. This may or may not have an effect on your troubleshooting effort but should ease your mind about re-installing Sp3. It does work in the right conditions. And please remember to post back you great, average, bad results. There are many different configurations of Sp2 out there. And bios, mb combinations, programs installed.

Besanko 2nd Edition Microeconomics Graphs. Evening Zip depends on what you ment with issues. Over at jespers blog is a whole slew of people complaining about Sp3.

But if dont right it can be easy if you know the pits falls. A) having an ASR if Sp2 xp pro. B) Or a backup of the Operating sytem c) Having some sort of recover disk Xp cd installer, WinPe, Bart Be Ultimateboot disk.

You are killing off one of the top three problems people are having with Sp3. Not logging into the computer 'adminstrator' Account. If you look for some of my postings.

There is an explination of lesser adminstrator and Full Adminstrator. Best picture that ilustrates this in Mark Russinovichs may 2008 posting. Lesser adminstrator doe not have the special permissions required to be changing the operating systems core files. This functionality has been in Nts ancestory since w2k.

Which is why the Xp solution center has a what to do before installing Xp. You seem do to have a working knowledge about dot net. And seem comfortable installing.

But I would look at jespers log here. Before preceding. Having a recovery point should make it easier to install Sp3 for you. This posting has seven pages of problem with leaving Norton NIS, antivirus install. So you are well on the way to having a working Sp3. If you have a ability to restore you system with a back. You are ten times btter off then most whom install Sp3.

And you already know about one of the headaches. And have Jespers blog as a resource to avoid many other problems. Remember to post back your results. And good luck Keith. To Zip 1948 and other SP-3 Users, WARNING!!!! Please do not download SP-3. This software will cause your computer to crash and if you have already done so you will have to reformat the drive and reload all of your software.

My legal team and I believe that this is an attempt by Microsoft to get rid of AMD chip users and more over to eliminate the XP software user community. The potential reasons are to have Microsoft Vista replace all of the existing XP users by forcing them to suffer crashes and have them upgrade to faster Quad core Intel Processors Machines. Hope you all think about this unfolding saga because the US Government along with many commercial companies told Microsoft and Intel that they were not interested in using Vista. The timeframe that the government and industry stated to Microsoft and Intel was for the next 3 years as a minimum. This is due to the extreme overhead from the 64-bit spaghetti code used to accomplish what XP does with 32-bit code. Suggest that this will backfire during an election year because the politicians do need to keep the voters happy enough to have them re elected. Sincerely, Navy Tim.