Dave Dub Treatment Rarity

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Dub TreatmentDub Treatment Provera

Dave Dub’s The Treatment is hip-hop at its bare bones. Kindred The Family Soul Surrender To Love Rapidshare Library on this page. It’s the philosophical twin of wrecked stoner-rock bands like Sleep, a group Dave frequently shared unlikely billing with, in the early 1990s hometown of San Jose CA. That’s how bad his psychedelic hell-ride weirded out the rest of the “San Hopeless” rap community (also the original home of Stones Throw itself). Later, he’d ooze into opening slots for black metal and punk bands, even joining a punk band shortly before recording The Treatment. Despite plenty of communication with the proto-Stones Throw crew Charizma and Peanut Butter Wolf, there was never any official deal, and Dub confined his particular brand of madness to cassette tape only. Carvewright Serial.