Dna Activation Mantra Yoga

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Kundalini Activation Mantra

I have been a student of kundalini yoga for 40 years and only recently I heard the term DNA activation. So after reading about the new age DNA activation theories, I. Dna Activation Mantra. Creation involves an intercourse between potential and energy DNA 'activation' is referred to as the 'activation of 64 codons'. Telecharger Deep Freeze Avec Serial Startimes3 more.

Till few years ago, all scientists used to think 90% of the DNA code as useless as it plays no role in manufacturing proteins. They even named 90% of DNA code as junk DNA. They believed so because they were able to see the functioning of only 2% DNA in their laboratory experiments. Role of the remaining 98% DNA were unknown to them.

Shouldn’t we call scientist as very superstitious as they believe in only what they see and blindly ignores the facts that remains unknown or not discovered yet. Can’t imagine how they believed that role of DNA is only to manufacture proteins as if the god came in their dream and said “Dear blah blah, pay heed to this revelation from me.

I created DNA only to manufacture proteins. Publish this in your research papers and consider my revelation as the absolute truth.” DNA reacts to sound and light waves According to Vedas, Our body is hugely affected by sounds waves and light waves. Syntax and semantics of human genes is not only similar to human languages but also react to precisely directed vibration sounds and light patterns.

This means that human DNA communicates with the outside world in some coded language which our senses are unable to perceive and understand. Garmin Keygen Utility on this page. Scientists in their latest experiments observed that DNA responds to sound vibrations only of a certain frequency and then perform some task depending upon the information exchanged with sound waves.

This confirms that concepts like intuition, light aura, yoga, and telepathy can no longer be considered as a mythical belief as the science has validated the possibility of such existence. Experimental proof of DNA reacting to sound waves Many experiments were conducted worldwide to prove that DNA reacts to sound waves. Conversion of frog embryo to salamander embryo Out of the many experiments Russian scientists conducted, one experiment involved the projection of DNA genetic patterns of salamander embryo into DNA of frog embryos.