Install Osx On External Drive

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Hi there, first time posting, hope you can help me out. I've got an Intel based iMac 5.1 still running Tiger (10.4.11), and I recently purchased an upgrade/install disc for Snow Leopard (10.6.3). At the moment, every time I insert the disc, the drive whirs and beeps for 40-50 secs then spits out the disc. It is still reading CDs and DVDs, I also inserted an install disc for Traktor and that appeared on the Desktop. The perculiar thing is that I have tried inserting the OS X disc several times, and it worked once. I was able to open the disc icon, instigate the installation, when asked to restart I did so and waited. The computer booted up to a plain white screen, I got the same whirring from the disc drive, and after a minute or two it spat out the disc, then thankfully booted up as normal.

If you have another startup disk with a compatible operating system, your Mac can start up from that disk instead of your current startup disk. William Sleator Singularity Pdf To Excel. Has anyone ever successfully installed OS X on an external usb hard drive and than booted from it on a PC?

My first thoughts were that the disc itself didn't work/wasn't legit. I put it in my PC and it booted up offering the remote disc installation process (which apparently isn't an option on machines running 10.4 unless I'm mistaken), proving that the disc had the relevant software.

Install Os X On External Drive From Windows

It was the next attempt on the iMac that it loaded, but since then just the same results every time. Now I've tried searching the forum for answers and there are a few things coming up that I've tried and had no success, which I think has left me with two options: 1 is to create a disk image of the install disc, mount it on an external hard drive and boot up from that - the problem there being that the disc is being ejected automatically so I'm not able to do this (presumably). The second is to purchase an external USB disc drive and try and boot it up from that. Harcourt Mathematics 11 Ebook Torrents. Is that doable? If so, can anyone recommend me a cost effective dvd drive that will do this? I've outlaid quite a bit of money lately on Apple treats and to be honest I don't fancy adding another £80 into the deal by going for the SuperDrive.

Install Os X On External Drive From Windows

I've had a look over Amazon and the user reviews are showing that a number of apparently Mac compatible drives are turning out not to be so. Any help anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated. IMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11) Posted on Aug 28, 2012 4:52 PM. Hey, that was one of the options I tried out before posting, and the disc is still being ejected. I followed the shut down, wait, unplug, wait, plug in and restart method, should I be trying the sleep/shutdown/restart function? Thanks for posting so soon.

And I'll be sure to give the disc a good clean. I bought it from a market place user on Amazon, is there anything I should be looking out for? I'm just a little confused as to why it loaded once and then failed to do so again. Edit: I've also shut down the computer with the disc still inside, and tried booting from the disc and that didn't work either.

IIRC I think some time ago I tried copying some data to a DVD and it didn't work, so from I've read on the forum and that vague recollection I'm inclined toward there being a problem with the Disc Drive as opposed to the Disc itself (what with it having loaded once on the iMac, and both times when inserted into a PC). Aug 28, 2012 5:13 PM. I have an >and it works great with both my iMac and Mac Mini, even boots my Tiger, Leopard and Snow Leopard Retail DVDs no problem. The biggest bonus besides reliability, is that it imports CDs and burns DVDs & CDs more than twice as fast as either systems slim drive ever did.

One option is to use another Intel iMac and format a Flash Drive, then copy the Snow Leopards disc image to the flash drive and update from it. See >Another option is to use another Intel iMac to partition and format an External HD and install Snow Leopard on it. Then boot your iMac from the External HD and move your user files to the new OS X, then clone everything from the External HD back to your Internal HD.

Reverbnation Plays Increaser Serial Season. Don't make a Disc Image of the install disc, it won't help because you can't boot from it directly - the image has to be mounted on a booted volume before it can be used. You appear to have been using the installer while booted into Tiger on the internal HD. The long delay in the restart is when the system files are being moved into place to replace the Tiger versions. Check Macintosh HD for a new folder something along the lines of 'OS X install Files'. If the folder's there, the installation wasn't completed.