Robust Programs

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Robust ProgrammingRobust Programs

The word robust, when used with regard to computer software, refers to an operating system or other program that performs well not only under ordinary conditions but. Install Matrox Codec Vfw Ladies here. Define robust: having or exhibiting strength or vigorous health; having or showing vigor, strength, or firmness — robust in a sentence. Principles of Robust Programming. A robust program differs from a non-robust, or fragile, program by its adherence to the following four principles. Hayden Supervac 3600 Manual Lymphatic Drainage. Martin Biegelman, CFE, ACFE Fellow, discusses the fraud prevention program he built as a director at Microsoft: Microsoft' s Financial Integrity Unit.

Adjective ( comparative robuster, superlative robustest) •; indicating;;;;;; as, a robust body; robust youth; robust health. He was a robust man of six feet four. • or; as, robust employment. • (of intellect etc.);, not given to or confused by or; • (systems engineering) Designed or evolved in such a way as to be resistant to total failure despite partial damage.

Download Camfrog Pro Untuk Pcos. • (software engineering) Resistant or impervious to failure regardless of user input or unexpected conditions. • (statistics) Not greatly influenced by errors in assumptions about the distribution of sample errors. Sentence Examples • No handshake for Julie; she gave each of us a robust hug. • The camel is of a more robust and compact breed than the tall beast used in India, and is more carefully tended. • Their hinder limbs are shorter than in the true kangaroos, and their fore limbs are longer and more robust, and have very strong curved and pointed claws.