Dod Discharge Review Program Special Spd Kcra

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INCLUDE documents from the Office of the Press Secretary INCLUDE election campaign documents, vice presidential documents, first lady, and other executive branch officals Instructions You can search the Public Papers in two ways: 1. Search by Keyword and Year You can search by keyword and choose the range of years within your search by filling out the boxes under Search the Public Papers. View by Month and/or Year Select the month and/or year you would like information about and press View Public Papers. Then choose a Public Paper and the page will load for you. Search Engine provided by the Harry S. Truman Library.

Our thanks to Jim Borwick and Dr. Rafee Che Kassim at Project Whistlestop for critical assistance in the implementation of the search function, and to Scott Roley at the Truman Library for facilitating this collaboration. Jimmy Carter: Veterans Benefits Statement on Signing S. 1307 Into Law.

Dod Discharge Review Program Special Spd Kc Royals. Characteristics of Participants in the DoD Special Discharge Review Program. Department of Defense. I was given a clemency discharge under honorable circumstances were reviewed by dod discharge review program (special) spd kcr and a correction added to. Nokia Navifirm Free Download Dct412s1.

I am today signing S. Optipoint Serial Treiber Insurance. 1307, a bill which provides standards for discharge review and benefit eligibility for those persons whose discharge is upgraded by the Department of Defense under the Special Discharge Review Program and for certain other veterans. While I believe several of the bill's provisions can be improved--and I will propose legislation next year to do so--S. 1307 properly recognizes the need for an equitable and compassionate attitude toward the many veterans who received less than honorable discharges.

Dod Discharge Review Program Special Spd KcrDod Discharge Review Program Special Spd Kcr

I was given a clemency discharge under honorable circumstances were reviewed by dod discharge review program (special) spd kcr and a correction added to.

One of my first official acts as President was the pardon of those persons who violated selective service laws during the era of the Vietnam war, a war which divided the American people. Download Luke Filewalker Antivirus. By this action, thousands of persons were relieved of possible prosecution for violations of the Military Selective Service Act. In addition, I directed the Secretary of Defense to develop an administrative program to deal with those persons who received less than honorable discharges during the Vietnam war era. Under the Special Discharge Review Program developed by the Department of Defense, with the advice of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 28,000 applicants have been reviewed to date, and 16,000 persons have had their discharges upgraded. The Review Program has freed many young persons from the social and employment hardships that resulted from their less than honorable discharges.

This Special Discharge Review Program gave Congress the opportunity, by passing S. 1307, to evaluate the treatment given to all veterans with less than honorable discharges, regardless of the era in which they served. 1307, the Congress has provided all veterans with less than honorable discharges the opportunity to apply for an upgraded status.

Nothing in this bill detracts from the impact of the Presidential pardon or the Special Discharge Review Program in helping to wipe the records of these veterans clean. 1307 accomplishes many positive benefits for veterans: --For the first time, all veterans, regardless of the time of their service, will have their applications for discharge upgrading and for benefit eligibility determined by uniform nationwide standards. Thus, pre-Vietnam era, post-Vietnam era, and Vietnam era veterans will all be judged by the same nationwide standards. --Veterans with less than honorable discharges, as well as those upgraded under the Special Discharge Review Program, will automatically be eligible for VA health care benefits for their service incurred injuries. --The bill provides an opportunity for veterans upgraded under the Special Discharge Review Program to receive veterans benefits. My hope is that the Department of Defense and the Veterans Administration will be forthcoming and compassionate in upgrading veterans and extending benefit eligibility to them. Each of these is a clear step forward in the Nation's treatment of many of those who served in the Armed Forces.